Advanced Management of Radio Access Networks using AI

Networks are evolving every day and becoming more intertwined with society. Social media with video sharing has become popular as a means of communication, with online games and avatar experiences playing over networks and various viewing channels. As lifestyles change, remote work and online meetings at home have become commonplace. In the industrial field, networks are used in sensing and remote control in multiple workplaces, including factories, agriculture, and transportation. 5G features high capacity (10 G), low latency (1 ms), and massive terminals (1 million units/km2), with a variety of applications. To create a digital society that continues to evolve, including holograms and augmented reality,conversations around 6G are emerging. 6G expands 5G functions, with environmental considerations that seek to reduce power consumption.

This white paper discusses the evolution of RAN, which are starting to be ready to utilize AI effectively. It introduces advanced use cases and technologies that combine RAN with AI. AI, which has become a major force in society, will bring significant innovation to networks in the future.

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