Use of a PC-Based Digitizer in a Medical Acoustic Microscopy System

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  • Author: Andrew Dawson

Conventional ultrasonic imaging systems typically transmit broadband ultrasonic pulses through the full volume of the sample under study. Analysis of these pulses allows measurement of sample thickness and the presence of reflective flaws or interfaces between different materials in addition to enabling study of intrinsic material properties, such as elastic moduli.

While providing the advantage of probing the entire volume of the sample, such imaging systems are typically limited to lower ultrasonic frequencies because of the sample’s severe ultrasonic attenuation, which increases rapidly with frequency. As an example, 10 MHz ultrasound will only travel a few millimeters in soft biological tissue before being severely attenuated. However, despite unwelcome increases in attenuation, the ultrasonic wavelength proportionately decreases with increasing frequency, which improves spatial resolution of the system in consequence. Higher frequency ultrasonic systems, therefore, intrinsically provide superior spatial resolution.

This whitepaper discusses construction of a medical acoustic microscopy system with focus upon usage of a PC-based high-performance GaGe RazorMax digitizer. Learn about the RAD-DAR system’s impressive drone detection capabilities, innovative sensors for real-time lubricant monitoring, and groundbreaking findings in lightning phenomena.

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