Power Combiners, Impedance Transformers and Directional Couplers: Part II

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  • Author: Andrei Grebennikov
The in-phase power combiners and dividers are important components of the RF and microwave transmitters when it is necessary to deliver a high level of the output power to antenna, especially in phased-array systems. In this case, it is also required to provide a high degree of isolation between output ports over some frequency range for identical in-phase signals with equal amplitudes. Figure 19(a) shows a planar structure of the basic parallel beam N-way divider/combiner, which provides a combination of powers from the N signal sources. Here, the input impedance of the N transmission lines (connected in parallel) with the characteristic impedance of Z0 each is equal to Z0/N. Consequently, an additional quarterwave transmission line with the characteristic impedance.
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