Anritsu Showcases High Frequency VNAs and Components at IMS 2020

Anritsu Showcases High Frequency VNAs and Components at IMS 2020

At the Virtual IMS 2020 Event, Anritsu is focusing on two product lines, the ShockLine™ ME7868A modular 2-port vector network analyzers (VNAs) and W1 components with frequency coverage from DC-100 GHz, which address emerging applications and strengthen Anritsu’s high-frequency leadership. IMS 2020 was scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, California from 21-26 June 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event is taking place virtually from 4 - 6 August 2020. However, all presentations and materials will stay online until 30 September 2020.  

The Solutions at their Virtual Booth Include:

  • VectorStar™ 220 GHz Broadband VNA
  • Advanced VNA Pulse Measurements
  • New ShockLine™ ME7868A Modular 2-Port VNA
  • Materials Measurement with ShockLine VNAs
  • Signal & Spectrum Analysis
  • Microelectronics Thin Film Fabrications Center

ME7868A Advanced VNA Technology

The new ME7868A VNAs conduct full vector S-parameter measurements over wide distances of over 100 meters. The VNAs offer multiple advantages compared to traditional solutions that use 2-port VNAs that have very wide dynamic range and require long and expensive phase stable microwave cables to reach the device under test (DUT).

The VectorStar ME7838G 220 GHz Broadband VNA is industry’s first VNA capable of making measurements from 70 kHz to 220 GHz in a single sweep, the ME7838G allows engineers to more accurately and efficiently characterize devices over a much broader range of frequencies to provide precise device models, for accurate simulations and the opportunity to reduce design turns.

The VectorStar’s unique PulseView™, which provides real-time display of pulse measurements while dynamically modifying pulse parameters for immediate design validation, will be in the virtual IMS booth. Conducting materials measurements using the ShockLine VNAs will be shown, as well. 

W1 (1.0 mm) Bias Tees, DC Block, and Semi-Rigid Cables

Anritsu showcased the W1 (1.0 mm) bias tees, DC block, and semi-rigid cables. With an operable frequency from DC to 110 GHz to meet emerging requirements associated with high-frequency device characterization and optical networking. The new W1 components generate metrology-grade quality results with high repeatability. The W1 coaxial interface allows for a direct connection to the instrument test port, which saves time and simplifies system setup. These new components provide a component solution where conventional devices, including waveguide, do not exist.

Anritsu’s new Extended-K™ family of connectors provides price and configuration benefits in emerging high-frequency applications. For designs and configurations that do not require coverage beyond 43.5 GHz, the new flexible Extended-K connectors can serve as an alternative to retooling a test set for 2.4 mm connectors.

Anritsu will also be conducting presentations at the IMS virtual event. ShockLine Product Manager Stan Oda will lead a discussion on the advantages of modular VNA architectures. Dr. Jon Martens, Engineering Fellow at Anritsu, and VectorStar™ Product Manager Steve Reyes, along with Andrej Rumiantsev of MPI Corporation, will address the calibration and measurement challenges associated with broadband on-wafer VNA measurements in another seminar.

Addressing Calibration and Measurement Challenges of Broadband On-wafer VNA Measurements up to 220 GHz

Speakers: Steve Reyes, Jon Martens, Andrej Rumiantsev

Speaker organizations: Anritsu Company, MPI Corp.

Continuous expansion on boundaries of on-wafer measurements is driving the need for simultaneous development of unique VNA systems, innovative probe designs, and advanced calibration techniques. This workshop by Anritsu and MPI will describe key equipment parameters that both enable system performance while maintaining overall measurement integrity. Important aspects of VNA systems such as power control, raw and corrected port parameters that can affect calibration and measurement stability will be presented. Advancements in probe design and calibration techniques will be highlighted. The workshop will include wafer substrate considerations to obtain calibration and measurement optimization and ultimately DUT design success.

Application Advantages of Modular VNA Architectures

Speaker: Stanley Oda, ShockLine Product Manager, Anritsu

VNAs have traditionally been single chassis instruments with embedded measurement ports. This seminar will review some application examples where modular VNA architectures provide clear advantages over single chassis systems.

Anritsu is leading the design of high-frequency components and test equipment that are driving mm-Wave technology into the future and the topic of discussion in their virtual booth was “Boundaries of mmWave Testing”.

Click here to see everything RF's coverage of IMS 2020.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United States
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