Visit Copper Mountain Technologies at the Virtual EuMW Event this Week

Visit Copper Mountain Technologies at the Virtual EuMW Event this Week

Copper Mountain Technologies will be setting up a virtual booth at this year's European Microwave Week Virtual Exhibition. Their booth will be in Exhibit Hall 1 and feature VNA solutions for a multitude of applications. CMT will have this virtual 3D booth from January 12th – 14th 2021.

At the booth they will showcase the S5243 VNA, which will be the first look at this new VNA for many. This 2-port 44 GHz analyzer is their highest frequency Compact VNA and features excellent dynamic range and measurement speed.

In addition to this, visitors will be able to explore the capabilities of a 1-Port VNA operating on a single board computer. Some of their advanced software functionality will also be on display with the Automatic Fixture Removal and Third Order Intercept plug-ins. Additionally, the Compass Technology Group will also be sharing their mmWave Focused Beam Materials Measurement system which utilizes CMT’s CobaltFx Extenders.

Visitors can schedule a conversation with one of CMT’s applications engineers by visiting their booth during exhibition hours.

Click here to register for EuMW 2020.

Click here to view the complete collection of CMT's measurement demonstration videos.

Publisher: everything RF