NI and Cobham Wireless Develop Test Solutions for Cellular & Connectivity Applications

With an increasing demand for improved connectivity, greater capacity, and a better user experience for mobile users, OEM's need to ramp up their test capabilities to validate these technologies. To meet the challenges of testing new evolving technologies, they have started to shift towards a software-defined modular approach using PXI solutions to lower test costs, shorten test times and provide them with the flexibility to adapt to changing test requirements.

National Instruments has been instrumental in developing and promoting PXI technology since its inception. They have been working with companies help develop flexible solutions for their customers. Cobham wireless announced their collaboration with National Instruments (NI) on PXI modular automated test solutions, about a year back at NI Week 2015. This year at NI Week 2016, they showcased a number of solutions developed on the NI Platform.

This partnership has proved to be very beneficial to both Cobham as well as to their customers. It brought together NI's wide range of PXI platform based modular hardware including their revolutionary Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) and Cobham's heritage of RF and wireless expertise including versatile software-defined wireless test systems capability. Cobham offered world-class solutions and services by using NI's platform with their domain-specific cellular and connectivity expertise, as well as access to their global sales and support network for wireless customers. They have also been able to offer customers extended system-level functionality based on NI’s broad PXI module range. ‘Cobham Wireless Powered by National Instruments’ has emerged as a strong brand on its own.

They now plan to strengthen their position in test systems for the semiconductor manufacturing sector, as well as in wireless infrastructure, while their small cell test solutions have already set the benchmark for speed of test and throughput. By using broader portfolio of modules and measurement IP in their future designs, this Global Preferred Partnership will continue to deliver the most versatile and competitive range of automated wireless test equipment to their customers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & MeasurementPXI