R&S to Exhibit Innovative Microwave and mmWave Testing Solutions at EuMW 2017

Rohde & Schwarz will be showcasing test solutions for RF & microwave components, radars, 5G communication and satellite payloads at European Microwave Week (EuMW) 2017, from October 10 to 12, in Nuremberg, Germany. On the show floor, they will feature a special exhibition area dedicated solely to innovative automotive radar test solutions, located in the entrance of hall 7A. This year at the event, the R&S portfolio will be arranged by the following themes:

Automotive radar test solutions – New radome measurements and echo generation

Rohde & Schwarz is showing its commitment in supporting the automotive industry. With Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), vehicles are increasingly being equipped with radar sensors that support drivers in critical situations. To meet the industry’s testing needs, R&S has developed a range of completely new radar test solutions, presented to the public at EuMW 2017 for the very first time. Users in R&D, validation and certification, as well as production can gain insight into solutions for radome measurements and echo generation. They will be able to learn how to measure and analyze radomes for automotive radars within seconds and how to minimize the influence of the radome on radar performance. Also, they will be able to learn, how automotive radar performs in real-world environments when subject to interference and how to reliably test radar sensors in production with an integrated end-of-line test solution.

RF & microwave component testing – Maximum performance without compromise

At the main booth 108, Rohde & Schwarz has devoted an area to solutions for RF & microwave component testing. For characterizing components at maximum performance without compromise, one of the highlights is the new R&S SMA100B analog RF and microwave signal generator delivering signals with the lowest possible phase noise and the highest output power with extremely low harmonics. Other exhibits include the innovative multiport microwave component test solution based on the R&S ZNBT multiport vector network analyzer, now up to 24 ports, and with the new multiport calibration solution, which enables recalibration of the test setup without disconnecting the DUT from the test cables. In addition, on-wafer characterization in the millimeterwave range using MPI probers are shown, as well as the R&S BBA130 twin-band amplifier with its adjustable amplifier parameters for design and product validation tests.

Radar testing – Analyzing wideband signals with up to 5 GHz analysis bandwidth

As a test solution for generating and analyzing extremely wideband pulsed signals, Rohde & Schwarz is showcasing the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator with its internal and calibrated wideband baseband hardware up to 2 GHz. It will be showcased together with the R&S Pulse Sequencer software that makes it possible to configure realistic, complex, agile and wideband radar signals. For analyzing wideband signals, R&S will show the R&S FSW85 signal and spectrum analyzer with an extended bandwidth of now up to 5 GHz for center frequencies up to 90 GHz. This is possible thanks to the new R&S FSW-B5000 hardware option, which in combination with the R&S RTO2064 digital oscilloscope as an external digitizer is the first to provide equalized 5 GHz signal analysis bandwidth. Moreover, they will showcase how an R&S RTO2044 digital oscilloscope together with the R&S VSE vector signal explorer software is used for pulse analysis measurements.

5G & Wideband Communication – Testing 5G candidate waveforms and OTA

To support 5G and general wideband communication development, Rohde & Schwarz is presenting a test solution consisting of the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator and R&S FSW43 signal and spectrum analyzer. The setup supports Verizon 5GTF signals and 5G candidate waveforms such as FBMC, UFMC, GFDM or f OFDM at frequencies up to 40 GHz and with 2 GHz internal analysis bandwidth. The R&S NRPM OTA power measurement solution is designed to calibrate the transmit output power and test the beamforming function of antennas and phased arrays in an over-the-air setup. These over-the-air verification tests cover a frequency range from 27.5 GHz to 75 GHz and are suitable for testing signals for 5G as well as the WLAN standards IEEE 802.11ad and 802.11ay.

Satellite Payload and Link Tests – Solutions for OneWeb, DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X

For users in the satellite communications sector, R&S will demonstrate its complete product portfolio for satellite payload, link and terminal testing. The R&S SMW200A vector signal generator is the first single-device solution on the market to generate OneWeb and DVB-S2/DVB-S2X signals on the IF and transmission frequencies up to 40 GHz. Its focus is on testing respective components, devices and satellites mainly on the physical layer. The R&S BTC broadcast test center enables the efficient testing of components, satellite systems and receivers for DVB-S2/DVB-S2X by simulating live video and data links in real time, simulating also IMUX/OMUX and interference scenarios. The R&S SLG satellite load generator can generate up to 32 transponder signals or a single 500 MHz wideband transponder. The R&S FSW43 signal and spectrum analyzer completes these solutions for quick and easy testing of satellite applications.

Click here to schedule a meeting with R&S at EuMW 2017.

Publisher: everything RF