TMD USA to Exhibit Ka-band Power Amplifier Modules and Instruments at IMS 2018

At IMS 2018, TMD Technologies will be featuring its advanced TWT-based and solid-state microwave power modules (MPMs) for radar and EW defence & homeland security systems and EMC & scientific laboratory applications. They will also be showcasing a new intelligent instrumentation amplifier.

The new PTX8807 TWT based, Ka band compact MPM features simplified integration for high performance EW and radar systems and provides an output power of up to 200 W over a 30 to 40 GHz frequency range. The amplifier module consists of a high-power Ka band helix TWT and switched mode power supply. It forms a single ‘drop-in’ unit without the need for high voltage connections, thereby eliminating any associated reliability problems.

High electrical efficiency results in minimum cooling requirements, with reliable operation over a wide temperature range. The PTX8807 provides top performance at high altitude and in high humidity, and is easily integrated into a variety of airborne platforms. It also features remote operation and status monitoring.

Also operating in the Ka band is TMD’s new PTX8815 TWTA, designed for radar applications such as naval fire control. Featuring broadband capability, covering a frequency range from 34 to 36 GHz, it offers peak power of over 1100 W in the mid-band, and 600 W at the band edges, with a maximum duty cycle of up to 12%. This state-of-the-art TWTA is the answer to demanding high fidelity radar
applications where low close-to-carrier phase noise and excellent spurious performance are required.

The PTCM Series TWT intelligent instrumentation amplifiers operate over a frequency range from DC to 40 GHz with a power output up to 50 kW. A range of applications include EW and radar threat simulation, EMC/radiated immunity, communications, RF component testing, and scientific experiments. Of customisable 6U high rack mounting construction, they are designed to deliver the highest field strengths in the test environment. The user benefits provided by these highly intelligent amplifiers include self-test, fault diagnosis, and
modular plug and play replaceable printed circuit boards.

The new PTX8110 operates from 6 to 18 GHz at 200 W and, with its compact design, is easily integrated into those high-performance EW and radar systems requiring more power. Comprising a high-power helix TWT and switched mode power supply, the PTX8110 forms a single ‘drop-in’ microwave amplifier unit without the need for potentially unreliable high voltage TWT interconnections. A low gain TWT is specified together with a low noise solid state pre-amplifier to provide optimum noise performance.

TMD’s PTS6900 MPM is a fine example of TMD’s solid state expertise. Employing advanced GaN MMIC technology, the unit offers high performance over a 2 to 6 GHz range with an output power of 150 W, and is designed for fast integration into EW/ECM systems. Because of its superior design and construction, the PTS6900 has a predicted 30,000 hours MTBF in an airborne uninhabited fighter environment.

TMD will also be displaying the PTXM Series ultra-compact MPMs. Featuring low volume and low weight these units are ideal for UAVs. They operate over the frequency range 4.5 to 18 GHz with output powers up to 140 W, and offer probably the highest power density on the market.

For more updates about IMS 2018, click here.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AmplifierIMS 2018


  • Country: United Kingdom
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