Quantum Reversal Introduces Novel GPS and GNSS Anti-Jamming Antennas

Quantum Reversal Introduces Novel GPS and GNSS Anti-Jamming Antennas

Quantum Reversal (QR) has released the QR20x Series of novel GPS and GNSS anti-jamming antennas. The QR20x series of anti-jamming antennas are designed for the commercial market to solve the issue of unintentional RF interference and/or jamming. Each unit uses three internal wideband patch antennas embedded inside the enclosure. Low power consumption and low cost allows for a wide range of applications where the continuity of GNSS services are required.

QR20x Series consists of three products:

  • QR200 - dual frequency L1/L2 GPS anti-jamming antenna.
  • QR201 - dual frequency dual constellation GPS and Glonass anti-jamming antenna.
  • QR202 is a multi-frequency (L1/L2/L5/E5/G1/G2/G3/E1/E6/B1/B2/B3 and L-band) multi constellation (GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Beidou and OmniStar) anti-jamming antenna.

QR202 provides anti-jamming protection not only for GNSS bands but also for the L-band (1525-1560 MHz), ensuring that the system can receive the L-band correction data. This is the first such product on the market that would protect from an unintentional or intentional interference such as in the case of Ligado network deployment in the USA.


This technology used in QR20x series product prevents the RF front-end of the GNSS receiver from saturation (compared to existing digital solutions) when the interfering signal is very strong due to its power or due to close proximity to the antenna. This extends the range of the operation for mobile applications and reduce susceptibility to nearby sources of interference for any type of fixed installations.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaGPSGNSS