Murata and Origin Wireless Develop In-Vehicle Child Presence Detection System Based on Wi-Fi Sensing

Murata and Origin Wireless Develop In-Vehicle Child Presence Detection System Based on Wi-Fi Sensing

Murata Manufacturing is collaborating with Origin Wireless to develop in-vehicle Child Presence Detection (CPD) features. They are working together to provide a system that uses Wi-Fi radio waves (Wi-Fi Sensing) to prevent children from being left inside vehicles. Wi-Fi sensing enables high flexibility of sensor location with high detection capability and can accurately detect breathing and slight movement of children.

Euro NCAP, a leader in automobile safety feature testing, is promoting the introduction of "Child Presence Detection (CPD)" features to detect children left in vehicles. CPD is attracting much attention in the automobile industry as there are far too many instances of children deaths, illnesses, and injuries as a result from being left in a vehicle or entering vehicles without the guardian or caregiver's knowledge.

Benefits of implementing Wi-Fi sensing include:

  • Existing Wi-Fi system can be used
  • Tiny motion and breathing can be detected
  • High flexibility of antenna position
  • Child under a blanket and on the floor can be detected
  • Both front seat and rear seat can be covered
  • No calibration

The detection system uses Wi-Fi radio waves hence, there are no blind spots. Changes in environment can be detected from changes of radio wave reflections. Breathing can be detected from the periodicity of radio wave reflections. This system can also be used for intruder detection. Moreover, the use of Wi-Fi radio waves offers a high degree of installation freedom, making the system easy to use with no calibration required.

Click here for more information on the child presence detection (CPD) system.

Click here to learn more about Wi-Fi Sensing.

Publisher: everything RF