APITech Selected by ESA to Develop W-Band Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications

APITech Selected by ESA to Develop W-Band Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications

APITech (API Technologies Corp.) has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop a W-Band, low noise amplifier for space applications, including high-frequency data comms, 5G/6G and W-Band radar. This advances APITech's reputation as a developer of mmWave technology and as a leading developer of RF solutions for space.

APITech EMEIA, in partnership with the UK Space Agency, offered ESA a unique solution utilizing their proprietary GMIC (Glass Microwave Integrated Circuit) fabrication process as an enabling technology and formed industrial partnerships to provide bespoke MMIC solutions and state-of-the-art test and measurement capability.

Ian Skiggs, VP & MD of RF2M EMEIA said that ESA is a prestigious customer and establishes APITech EMEIA as a credible partner in the development of innovative RF solutions for space. He also said that this will allow APITech to continue as an innovative mmWave technology developer for current and future applications.

Mike Rudd, Head of Telecommunications Strategy at the UK Space Agency, said that winning this contract will help put the UK industry at the heart of future generations of higher frequency wavelengths for Satcom, opening up new applications for customers across the world.

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Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   RadarSatelliteSpace Qualifiedmm-Wave5G6G