Intelliconnect Appoints Ziad Melhem as Non Executive Director

Intelliconnect Appoints Ziad Melhem as Non Executive Director

The Intelliconnect Group has appointed Ziad Melhem as a new Non-Executive Director. Dr. Ziad Melhem is the Founder and CEO of Oxford Quantum Solutions Ltd. OQS is an independent Consultancy business launched in Feb 2021 focusing on Innovations and Advanced Solutions, Strategic Business Development, Strategic Road-mapping, and Technical Authority on Superconducting, Cryogenics, Instrumentation in Quantum and Nanotechnology applications for Quantum, Energy, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Transport, and Power Applications. Before retiring from Oxford Instruments NanoScience (OINS), Ziad as the Strategic Business Development Manager managed OINS Strategic Business Development activities, Alliances, and collaborative R&D projects on quantum, nanoscience, and nanotechnology applications.

Roy Phillips, CEO, Intelliconnect Group, commented "We are delighted to welcome Ziad to intelliconnect/CryoCoax. He brings a vast wealth of experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to the team. His knowledge of cryogenics both technically and commercially is phenomenal and his input will undoubtedly assist us in serving existing customers/applications and gaining further market penetration."

Ziad has over 32 years of experience in product, alliances, and business development activities in applied superconductivity, Low and High temperature superconducting (LTS & HTS) materials, cryogenic, quantum and nanotechnology applications for scientific, medical, energy, and industrial sectors.

Ziad is active at the national and international levels and a member of a variety of international and national committees and organizations and Advisory Board for different projects on superconducting, quantum, and cryogenic applications. Ziad is the editor of two specialist books published by Woodhead – Elsevier on High-Temperature Superconductors (HTS) for Energy Applications (2012) and on Electricity Transmission, Distribution and Storage systems (2013) and authored a special report on superconducting materials and applications published by the UK Materials Network and launched at the House of Lords, London, UK in June 2011. 

Ziad is the Chairman of the European Initiative on Future Superconducting Magnet Technology (FuSuMaTech) and the Coordinator of WG5 on Market and Technology Intelligence of the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC). Ziad is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the Institute of Physics (IOP), a member of the Institute of Physics (IOP) Superconductivity Group committee, and Secretary of the British Cryogenic Council (BCC). Ziad Chaired the Innovation Partner Scheme (IPS) Panel of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (Aug 2011-Aug 2014) and chaired the IOP Superconductivity Summer School at Oxford (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2021), chaired the Industrial Steering Committee - CDT in Energy Storage and its  Applications at Southampton/Sheffield University; and member of program committee for the Magnet Technology (MT23) and EUCAS (2015, 2019), member of the international organizing committee for MT conferences (Since 2017)) and member of the organizing committee for the ICEC (Sep 2018) Oxford, member of the organizing committee of the Oxford University Quantum Hub event on Cryogenic Electronics (Oct 2020) and Chairman of The International Advisory Board Committee of the 16th Cryogenics (2021) and IIR international conference.

Publisher: everything RF
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