ITU's WRC-23 Concludes with Key Revisions and Global Agreements to shape Future of Radio Communication

ITU's WRC-23 Concludes with Key Revisions and Global Agreements to shape Future of Radio Communication

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) successfully concluded the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) in Dubai, where member states agreed on crucial revisions to the ITU Radio Regulations. This global treaty governs the utilization of radio frequency spectrum on Earth and in space.

The amended regulations aim to support spectrum sharing and technological advancements, with a focus on expanding broadband connectivity, enhancing safety measures, and facilitating space and Earth observation. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General, emphasized that WRC-23 sets the stage for a more connected, sustainable, and inclusive digital future.

A total of 151 Member States signed the WRC-23 Final Acts, documenting decisions on new and revised provisions of the Radio Regulations, Appendices, and Resolutions. Mario Maniewicz, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, highlighted the collaborative efforts that led to stable and predictable regulations essential for innovative radiocommunication services.

Key highlights of the WRC-23 decisions include:

  • International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Spectrum AllocationIdentified new spectrum resources, such as the 3 300-3 400 MHz, 3 600-3 800 MHz, 4 800-4 990 MHz, and 6 425-7 125 MHz frequency bands, crucial for the development of 4G, 5G, and future 6G technologies.
  • High-Altitude Platform Stations (HIBS): Designated the 2 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands for using HIBS as IMT base stations, providing mobile broadband with minimal infrastructure to bridge the digital divide in remote areas.
  • Earth Stations in Motion (ESIMs): Identified new frequencies for ESIMs to deliver high-speed broadband on vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and trains, crucial for post-disaster communication.
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS): Implemented regulatory actions, including e-navigation systems, to enhance distress and safety communications at sea.
  • Space Weather Observation: Recognized the importance of space weather observation, introducing a new Resolution and Article in the Radio Regulations to observe phenomena that can interfere with radiocommunication services.

WRC-23 also endorsed 43 new resolutions, revised 56 existing ones, and addressed key issues such as passive Earth exploration satellite services, aeronautical mobile satellite services, and inter-satellite links. The conference, chaired by H.E. Eng. Mohammed Al Ramsi, witnessed participation from over 3,900 delegates representing 163 Member States.

The outcomes of WRC-23 are expected to pave the way for a more connected and technologically advanced global communications landscape. The agenda items for the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-27) and the provisional agenda for WRC-31 were also approved, ensuring continued progress in radio spectrum management.

Click here for more information on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Click here for more information on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G6G