One Year After Makiivka: Enea Unveils Modern Warfare Mobile Tracking Methods

One Year After Makiivka: Enea Unveils Modern Warfare Mobile Tracking Methods

One year after the Makiivka incident that saw Ukraine successfully target Russian troops by allegedly tracking their mobile phones, Enea, a leading technology company, has released a groundbreaking report titled "Location Tracking on the Battlefield: Phones Under Fire." This comprehensive review marks the first of its kind, shedding light on the methods employed to gain military intelligence through the tracking of mobile devices in modern warfare, with a specific focus on the conflict in Ukraine.

Following the New Year's Day strike in 2023, where the Russian defense ministry claimed that Ukraine used mobile phones to pinpoint the target, Enea's report provides a detailed examination of various tracking methods. While the plausibility of the Russian statement has been debated, Enea's simulation presented in the report suggests that tracking signals from Russian mobile phones may have indeed played a role in the successful attack, emphasizing the impact of mobile phone usage in war zones.

The report categorizes the methods used into three main groups:

  • Radio-enabled Location Tracking
  • Network-enabled Location Tracking
  • Device-enabled Tracking

This marks a unique approach, as no previous research has comprehensively compared these methods, requiring distinct expertise in each field. Enea's groundbreaking research not only outlines the methods but also provides guidance and recommendations on the risks associated with mobile device tracking in conflict zones. This valuable resource empowers both civilians and military personnel to assess the risks and benefits of using mobile devices in war zones and suggests ways to minimize risks if mobile device use is deemed necessary.

Cathal Mc Daid, VP Technology at Enea and lead author of the report, commented, “Our comprehensive analysis of the mobile battlefield reveals the complexities and evolving role of mobile networks in warfare. This report brings important understanding of how phones are tracked on the battlefield, adding crucial insights for telecom, military, and government policymakers to enhance security measures and effectively leverage technological advancements in the field."

The report's unique insights are based on original research from extensive open-source material and intelligence gathered by Enea’s mobile network Threat Intelligence Unit. It builds upon Enea's previous research covering mobile network usage in Ukraine before and during Russia’s invasion.

In essence, Enea's report not only delves into the intricacies of mobile tracking but serves as a critical resource for shaping security measures and leveraging technology effectively in the evolving landscape of modern warfare.

Click here to download this report.

Publisher: everything RF