PXI Multiport VNA Drives Down Test Cost for Wireless Component Manufacturers

pxi multiport vnaKeysight Technologies has introduced a high performance PXIe multiport vector network analyzer. The M9485A VNA, designed for high-volume wireless component manufacturing of front-end modules, switches and filters used in mobile phones and base stations.

The true multiport architecture provides best-in-class measurement speed up to 30 percent faster than competing offerings, while maintaining high dynamic range. This VNA can support applications from 1 MHz to 9 GHz which is suitable for future component designs. Customers can configure the exact port count they need, saving money and enabling fast re-configuration as test needs change.

During volume manufacturing, test speed is critical and space is often limited. With its true multiport capability up to 24 ports, all receivers synchronize with a common source to measure all S-parameters at once. When measuring multiport devices, this configuration drastically reduces the sweep time as compared to a switch matrix-based solution. These capabilities speed test by improving both productivity and throughput, while also minimizing space.

A true multiport PXI VNA provides higher throughput with fewer sweeps than a VNA with a switch matrix for the same multiport device. For example, with a 24-port PXIe VNA, a 24-port device only requires 24 sweeps versus 264 sweeps with a 4-port VNA and a switch matrix. This reduces sweep time by more than 10 times, and there is no degradation in performance.

The new M9485A PXIe multiport VNA provides excellent performance with a fast speed (5 msec at 201 points with 2-port calibration) and wide dynamic range (up to 142 dB dynamic range). The VNA also delivers low trace noise (0.001-dBrms at 10 kHz IFBW) and high stability (0.005 dB/°C). When coupled with the M9485A's multiport and multi-site measurement capabilities, this level of performance helps decrease the cost of test.

This PXIe VNA supports a frequency offset mode, time domain analysis, and N-port calibrated measurements based on the same measurement science and calibration science as trusted PNA/ENA network analyzers. By using the PXI module concept, the VNA allows users to perform flexible upgrade and repair as necessary. Users also gain significant space savings as compared to bench-top type instruments with an equivalent number of ports.

U.S. Pricing and Availability

The M9485A PXIe multiport VNA is available now worldwide. A 12-port configuration of the VNA is available for $120,000, while a 24-port configuration is available for $197,000 (including the M9018A PXIe chassis and M9037A controller).

Publisher: everything RF