Mini-Circuits has introduced a wideband RF signal generator that operates from 100 MHz to 44 GHz. The SSG-44G-RC generator is ideal for characterizing millimeter wave (mmWave) components and systems that are subjected to high power and offers a cost-effective testing approach. It has an outstanding combination of bandwidth, fine frequency and power resolution, low phase noise (-100 dBc/Hz at 44 GHz) and excellent harmonic rejection in a compact package.
The generator can generate both CW and pulsed signals over a power range from -40 dBm to +17 dBm with fine resolution and pulse width (equal to or greater than 0.5 µs), and allows parameters such as pulse sequences, power, and pulse repetition intervals (PRI) to be remotely configured via USB or Ethernet interfaces.
This signal generator is available in a compact package with powerful software control and automation to provide a cost-effective millimeter wave signal generator and LO source for any bench or production test application. Full software support is provided, including our user-friendly GUI application for Windows, flexible API and programming instructions for Windows and Linux environments. The daisy-chain control interface with “dynamic addressing” simplifies control integration and allows multiple units to be combined into a multi-channel signal source with control through a single software interface.
This signal generator is ideal for 5G FR1/FR2, Wi-Fi 6E, mmWave radio infrastructure, Semiconductor high-power burn-in and life testing, use as a wideband LO source, benchtop signal generator and for automated production testing
Key Features of the mmWave Signal Source
- -40 to +17 dBm dynamic range
- Fine frequency and power resolution, 1 Hz / 0.5 dB
- CW and pulsed outputs
- Frequency and power sweeping and hopping
- Excellent harmonic rejection, -30 dBc
- Low phase noise and high stability
Click here to learn more about this new mmWave signal source.