Research Report to Cover the State of Power Amplifiers for 5G

5G mobile phones will push the boundaries of modern communication systems. Power amplifiers, a key building block in transmitter designs, will need to operate at higher frequencies, with better performance to support the proposed data rates and throughputs of 5G.

The Signals Research Group, in conjunction with Rohde & Schwarz USA, is conducting a research report on the state of 5G power amplifiers that will involve the products and support of several industry leading component companies currently working on 5G power amplifiers. They plan to publish this report during the second half of 2016.

Power amplifiers for 5G systems will be required to deliver exceptional performance and at much higher frequencies than current 4G systems today. The 28 GHz band, in particular, is getting considerable attention from researchers and companies around the world with its ability to supply very wide bandwidths, allowing 5G systems to deliver individual data throughputs as high as 10 Gbps. Other performance factors, such as power added efficiency (PAE) and error vector magnitude for single and multicarrier signals, will be important for 5G power amplifiers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Power Amplifier5G