Mu-Del Electronics Introduces Products for Shipboard, Airborne, UAV/UAS Applications

Mu-Del Electronics has introduced a new family of Miniaturized Products: Multicouplers, Up/Dn Converters and Switches for Shipboard, Airborne, UAV/UAS and Vehicle Applications. After decades of experience in providing world class equipment to the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA, combined with newly acquired expertise in packaging and thermal management, they have developed this new family of miniaturized products. Based on input from customers, the new family of products address and solves the most difficult SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) challenges.

Mu-Del is prepared to modify any of the standard product platforms to meet a specific need of the customer. They recently provided a solution on a classified program for aerial vehicles, with system weight, power and size coming in well under the stringent design requirement.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Military