Single Converged Antenna Solution Supports all LTE TDD and FDD Frequency Bands

China Mobile and Huawei recently launched the co-developed FDD/TDD Converged Antenna solution, complete with a series of pilot tests conducted in multiple cities in China. This innovative solution enables a single antenna to support all LTE TDD and FDD frequency bands used by China Mobile. Reducing the number of required antennas per site helps lower installation difficulty and enhances network performance and O&M efficiency, enabling China Mobile to deploy high-quality networks.

This FDD/TDD converged antenna supports Band 3, Band 8, and eight channels of Band 34, Band 39 and Band 41. This feature enables China Mobile to deploy FDD/TDD converged networks without additional antennas, reducing network construction costs, while promoting site deployment.

The innovative decoupling design significantly reduces the windward area of a single antenna while guaranteeing antenna performance, circumventing the replacement of existing hardware such as poles and enhancing site deployment efficiency.

Electrical downtilts can be remotely adjusted for each single frequency band, and the horizontal azimuth and beamwidth can also be remotely switched for LTE TDD antennas. This feature promotes accurate network coverage and maximizes network performance.

In pilot tests recently concluded in multiple cities in China, a single FDD/TDD converged antenna replaced three traditional antennas that separately supported the Band 8 and Band 3, and Band 34/39/41. An optimal position was then selected to achieve the highest level of multi-network sharing to maximize network performance. China Mobile is expected to work with its partners to continually expand the applied scale of FDD/TDD converged antennas, expediting high-quality network deployment and further enhancing antenna O&M efficiency.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTEAntenna