20 Watt Wireless Charging System Powered by Wruth Electronics Coils

Wurth Electronics wireless charging coils will now feature in Semtech’s LinkCharge 20. This is the only available inductive wireless charging system for transmitter/receiver communication up to 20 watts. This solution is also backward compatible with lower power 5 Watt and 15 Watt systems.

The LinkCharge 20 Series offers two evaluation modules: a transmitter and receiver that utilize magnetic, inductive-based wireless charging technology. It is specifically tailored to industrial applications, a sub-segment of the wireless charging market that requires high power transmission and receiving. Industrial equipment manufacturers can use the LinkCharge 20 to test wireless power in next-generation applications such as power tools, appliances, medical instruments and automation systems.

The LinkCharge 20 addresses the need for a wireless charging solution that can support high-power applications. Wurth’s diverse portfolio of wireless charging devices can accommodate low, medium, and high-power devices, in order to help scale wireless charging integration into everyday consumer electronics to industrial equipment and more.

The transmitter coils, 760308103102 and 760308110, featured in Semtech’s LinkCharge 20, are part of a series of high efficiency wireless charging coils offered by Wurth Electronics. The LinkCharge 20 system is ideal for high-power industrial applications such as power tools, appliances, medical instruments, and automation systems.

Wurth Electronics gave a demonstration of LinkCharge 20 at APEC 2017 in Tampa, Florida.

Publisher: everything RF