New 5G Test Solution Shortens Time to Market by Ensuring Accurate 5G Planning Models

Keysight Technologies has announced a solution for measuring, analyzing and visualizing the coverage generated by 5G base stations. Keysight's Nemo Outdoor, combined with FieldFox handheld RF and microwave analyzers, enables mobile operators and network vendors to measure 5G radio propagation and coverage. The solution uses the Nemo Outdoor analytics tools to provide capabilities for visualizing and post-processing data, enabling network equipment manufacturers and mobile operators to evaluate and verify 5G base station propagation models for indicating 5G cellular coverage levels.

Mobile operators require extensive measurements and research to gather information about cellular mm-wave propagation in different radio environments - indoor and in the field. Real-world 5G measurements allow operators to supplement and verify initial radio network plans and models.

Since there are currently no 5G devices and very few 5G radio field measurement solutions available, mobile operators face the challenge of verifying that propagation models used in 5G network planning match reality. This solution offers users a unique tool to ensure the accuracy of 5G planning models. Measuring signal power levels from 5G base stations in the field enables operators and network vendors to verify 5G propagation models, securing the deployment of the network and, ultimately, speeding up time-to-market.
Keysight's 5G RF measurement solution provides a complete measurement system for millimeter wave propagation, including the necessary software and hardware to collect, post-process, analyze and visualize the data—generating statistical information that can easily be shared throughout the organization.

Click here to learn more about the 5G base station coverage solution.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement5G