ip.access Ships the Two Millionth License for its 3G Small Cell Software Platform

ip.access recently shipped the two millionth license for its 3G small cell software platform. The milestone highlights the industry leading network performance of ip.access’ residential small cell software. The platform is used in the Cisco 3G Microcell, one of the world's earliest and largest residential small cell deployments with AT&T in the USA. Having been deployed, hardened, enhanced and maintained continuously over the last eight years, ip.access’ software platform guarantees performance at the highest quality of service standards while still being delivered independently.

Passing two million shipments demonstrates the experience the company has of delivering and managing the mass-market roll-out of its small cells. It also means it understands this layer of the network better than anyone else in the market, when other vendors have fallen short. This knowledge permeates the company’s business and technology and is vital to its ability to support the mass roll out of small cells for other applications – whether that is in the enterprise, in transport deployments or elsewhere. As customer demand for reliable indoor coverage increases across the board ip.access’ experience means it is in the prime position to capitalize on the significant market opportunity that demand represents.

The 3G software platform is part of ip.access’ end-to-end small cell solution, which enables mobile network operators to get a high quality mobile phone signal inside buildings and other hard-to-reach places, and uses broadband IP backhaul for rapid deployment and low-cost operation.

Publisher: everything RF