CPI Antenna Systems to Provide Ka-Band Gateway Antenna System at PERU's Lurin Teleport

Corporación de Alta Tecnologia SAC (CALTEC), a systems integrator serving the South American telecommunications market, has selected the Antenna Systems Division of Communications & Power Industries (CPI) to provide a fully integrated 9.4 meter Ka-band gateway antenna system from its ASC Signal product line at the Lurin Teleport in Lima, Peru. This is the first Ka-band gateway system installed by CPI Antenna Systems Division for CALTEC in the region.

The system features high-performance technologies including patented ASC Signal sub-reflector tracking (SRT), which enables the antenna to track the Amazonas 5 satellite, at which it will be pointed, to within 1/1000th of a degree without moving the main reflector. These advanced capabilities provide greater accuracy as well as reduced operating and maintenance expenses for the antenna operator. The SRT technology is paired with a monopulse feed system, which provides inherent redundancy support, an ultra-precise antenna drive system and CPI Antenna Systems Division’s unique adaptive thermal management system to deliver a new standard in tracking accuracy and performance in dynamic environmental conditions.

The gateway system’s transmit subsystem uses CPI’s 500-watt, 1:2 linearized traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) along with a complete, custom up-and-down conversion system designed for the Amazonas 5 satellite’s planned spot beam architecture. The Amazonas 5 is intended to help fulfill the growing demand for satellite capacity, particularly for satellite television platforms, in South America.

Installation of the system is expected to begin in the fall of 2017.

Publisher: everything RF