Nordic Bluetooth Low Energy Module Used to Check Aeration level in Wine

French smart wine aerator brand, Aveine, has integrated Nordic’s nRF52832 Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) SoC for its ‘Aveine’ wirelessly connected wine aerator. The wireless wine aerator is designed to ensure wine is properly aerated and enjoyable in its best possible condition.

The aerator is placed on the neck of the wine bottle and paired to the user’s Bluetooth 4.0 smart phone or tablet using Bluetooth LE wireless connectivity provided by the Nordic SoC. From the accompanying Aveine iOS or Android app, the user can scan the label of the wine bottle. The ideal tasting conditions of the wine are determined via a proprietary algorithm, which then wirelessly adjusts the settings on the Aveine device on the wine bottle. The wine is then poured through the aerator, ensuring the precise level of aeration is achieved for the particular wine.

With the help of a touch screen display, the aerator allows the user to manually adjust the device to test wine at different levels of aeration. The ultra low power consumption of the Nordic nRF52832 SoC saves battery life for more power-intensive elements of the device; the touch screen and the aeration pump.

Nordic’s nRF52832 Bluetooth LE SoC, a member of Nordic’s sixth generation of ultra low power (ULP) wireless connectivity solutions, combines an 64 MHz, 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F processor with a 2.4 GHz multiprotocol radio (supporting Bluetooth 5, ANT, and proprietary 2.4 GHz RF software) featuring -96 dB RX sensitivity, with 512 kB Flash memory and 64 kB RAM. When launched, the SoC was the world’s highest performance single-chip Bluetooth LE solution.

The SoC is supplied with Nordic’s S132 SoftDevice, a Bluetooth 5-certifed RF software protocol stack for building advanced Bluetooth low energy applications. The S132 SoftDevice Central, Peripheral, Broadcaster and Observer Bluetooth low energy roles, supports up to twenty connections, and enables concurrent role operation.

Publisher: everything RF