SOLiD & Cheytec to Jointly Offer Carrier-Ready In-Building Wireless Network Deployments

In-building cellular and public safety infrastructure provider, SOLiD has signed a strategic partnership with New Jersey based wireless service provider Cheytec Telecommunications. According to the agreement, the companies will jointly deliver a complete in-building wireless solution including both RF signal sources and a proven, market-leading Distributed Antenna System (DAS) to enterprise customers and building owners, commonly referred to as the Middleprise.

Enterprises and commercial real estate operators face shared challenges when it comes to in-building wireless connectivity. In-building platforms, while beginning to address the expanding demand for bandwidth and connectivity, in many cases are limited to a single carrier, without a clear upgrade path to future technologies. The financial models for investing in in-building cellular solutions are not effective as on-premise gear can be expensive, not designed for buildings of the future, and are underfunded by wireless service providers who have budgetary constraints. And ultimately, tenants and visitors still experience poor or no connectivity within their workplaces.

The new Cheytec-SOLiD solution addresses these concerns. Enterprises and building owners can now deploy the combined solution with base station equipment and a DAS that is fully tested for operator connectivity, designed to support today's building environment and with a clear path to future enhancements.

According to SOLiD, middleprise customers expect great wireless service in-building, but they have been slow to deploy based on the CAPEX and OPEX risk levels and the lack of confidence in operator connectivity. The new partnership with Cheytec reduces the financial risk of middleprise customers and can accelerate installations to provide a complete wireless solution. Financial factors that limit ROI are some of the major factors that inhibit broader and faster deployment of in-building of solutions. Cheytec and SOLiD are now addressing the market needs and the middleprise is taking keen interest in these types of innovative platforms and solutions.

The companies believe they have formed this partnership as a result of market expectations for a complete solution including RF signal sources and DAS that reduces investment risks and ensures faster and more confident deployment.

Publisher: everything RF