World’s First Multi-Band GNSS Receiver with Automotive Safety Compliance

STMicroelectronics has introduced the first multi-frequency satellite-navigation receiver chipset - Teseo APP (Automotive Precise Positioning) - suitable for safety-critical automotive applications and high accuracy positioning at the decimeter and centimeter-level for PPP and RTK applications.

Traditional in-car navigation systems help drivers reach their destinations using receivers and commercial satellite services that allow positioning accurate to within a few meters. With increasing use of autonomous systems such as lane-departure warning (LDW), adaptive cruise control (ACC), valet parking, and auto-pilot, greater accuracy is needed to ensure safety and reliability, in combination with proximity sensors such as cameras, radar, lidar, and others, to monitor the driving environment automatically. Fully self-driving vehicles of the future will also demand high-accuracy positioning.

By tracking satellites of all GNSS constellations simultaneously on at least two of the frequencies used by each system (instead of one in other products), ST’s automotive-quality Teseo APP receiver provides high-quality raw GNSS data for PPP (Precise Point Positioning) and RTK (Real Time Kinematic) algorithm, which allows accurate positioning and rapid convergence time worldwide.

In addition to its high accuracy, this unique receiver monitors the integrity of the satellite data to alert the system if accuracy is degraded for any reason. This permits Tier-1 manufacturers to certify safety-critical systems in accordance with the automotive industry functional-safety standard, ISO 26262, up to the highest Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL). Teseo APP also integrates a secure microcontroller for secure system boot and data-output authentication to keep sensitive data safe from attack.

Launched alongside Teseo APP, ST’s Teseo V chip provides equivalent multi-frequency precise positioning in a simplified device for non-safety-critical applications where integrity assurance is not required.

ST is now supplying product samples to lead customers who are developing autonomous-driving systems expected to appear first in high-end vehicles launched in 2020/2021. ST also demonstrated Teseo APP in the Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona. To know more click here.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSSAutomotive