5 GHz Multi-Channel WiFi3 Module Receives FCC Certification

Edgewater Wireless Systems has announced that its latest multi-channel WiFi module for the 5 GHz band has received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The EWC5XGWRF1 Power-Optimized Radio Card, for High-Density WiFi applications is built on Edgewater Wireless' WiFi3 platform and is the only WiFi standard complaint radio capable of delivering multiple concurrent transmit and receive channels from a single radio.

The proliferation WiFi for enterprise and residential wireless networks continues to grow at an aggressive pace. Edgewater Wireless WiFi3 leverages proven IEEE standards and is designed specifically to cope with the increasing density of WiFi networks. WiFi3 is designed to optimize the WiFi spectrum and increase WiFi network performance in dense and ultra-high density deployments. These include commercial deployments; enterprise, venue and hospitality, as well as home networks and multi-dwelling units (MDUs).

Solutions developed using the EWC5XGWRF1 5GHz chipset will be invaluable to enterprise, manufacturing, public venues, and in homes and MDUs where the demands on WiFi continue to escalate due to the exponential demand from WiFi-connected mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Key WiFi3 EWC5XGWRF1 module features and benefits:

  • Fully compatible multi-channel AP chipset for 5GHz operation and management
  • Up to 3 concurrent channels of Transmit and Receive operation in 5GHz
  • Real-time Spectral Surveillance Architecture (SSA™) operation for enhanced security and performance network optimization
  • PowerZoning enabled, for optimal per channel power and performance control
  • Fully configurable for Edgewater Wireless MESHD, a multi-channel wireless MESH technology.

The WiFi3 EWC5XGWRF1 will be made available to select equipment manufacturers and solutions providers in the second quarter of 2018.

Edgewater's WiFi3 powered technology is the best Wi-Fi solution for carriers, service providers and systems integrators to address the growing problems of interference, capacity and critical mass of users which is stretching WiFi and IOT networks to their breaking point. Edgewater's patented technology solves the high-density problem while also significantly reducing the equipment investment and operating costs for new network deployments.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Wi-FiRF Module