Avnet Express is First Distributor to Offer Pulse Electronics’ Near Field Communications Antennas


Avnet Express, the e-Commerce engine for Avnet Electronics Marketing, an operating group of Avnet, Inc. announced that it is the first distributor to stock Pulse Electronics’ near field communications (NFC) antennas. Near field communications allow devices to communicate at short ranges and are gaining traction, particularly in the mobile device arena. These specially offered antennas are the latest products in the fast-growing NFC market, which requires reliable antenna solutions for user-friendly and safe contactless commerce.

“This offering to our customers positions Avnet Express as not only the first distributor of Pulse’s products, but also as cost-competitive in our efforts to offer the latest in NFC antennas and Pulse’s wide range of solutions,” said Beth Ely, senior vice president, Avnet Express. “As a global distributor, we also offer technical support to back up these solutions for customers needing assistance for their prototyping needs.”

Avnet Express will offer Pulse’s variety of product concepts available for myriad user cases. These carefully developed solutions comply with the EMVCo specification. EMVCo LLC was formed in February 1999 to manage, maintain and enhance the EMV Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for payment systems.

The concepts include ferrite-backed flex antennas, stamp antennas and wire loop antennas. Pulse also carries intensive material studies to find more cost-competitive options for future applications.

Customer segments the product serves are:

·         Mobile payments

·         Security access and control systems

·         Peer-to-peer file sharing

·         Electronic business cards

For information on purchasing Pulse NFC antennas, please go to http://www.em.avnet.com/pulsenfcantennas and http://www.avnet.com.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Antenna