Flat Panel, Beam-Steering Ka-Band Phased Array Antennas for Aircrafts

Arralis Ka Band Antenna

Arralis, has announced a new Ka band analog phase shifter that enables true electronically steerable, low profile antenna to be offered to commercial and defense aircraft market. Senior fleet operators, network providers and platform users at the recent APSAT Conference in Jakarta agreed that satellite antennas have been the weak point for satellite broadband. They blamed a lack of innovation for ongoing issues with cost, size, poor aerodynamics, insufficient throughput and single satellite operation.

The Arralis compact, lightweight and aerodynamic Ka band phased array antennas, has no stabilization requirements, are 400% smaller than their Ku band counterparts and are made specifically with airliners, business jets, military aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles in mind. The innovative antenna will open up the aircraft markets to high data rates and low latency satellite communications. The High Throughput Satellite (HTS) communications, of up to 2 Gbps, provide the wideband video streaming and full motion video capabilities that aviators have been waiting for. The capability is ideally suited to continuously track fast moving low earth orbit (LEO) satellites where the analog phase variation allows continuous electronic beam steering. Multiple simultaneous satellite tracking is possible.

ArralisThis new product sits within Arralis’ family of versatile communications for space, aerospace, transportable and on-the-move applications. This antenna will be of great benefit to designers of aircraft as now a simple, reliable and flat beam steering and continuous tracking antenna can be realized. 

At the Farnborough Airshow which is taking place from 16-22 July, Arralis is exhibiting the Ka band antenna and highlighting how the Arralis new monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) phase-shifters have enabled this innovative development. They have in essence developed the technology that allows users to continuously track and communicate with Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellites in a form that can be easily integrated onto aircraft. Fleet operators, network providers and platform users should be very pleased with this innovative technology and the attendant economies of scale that volume production should allow.

Arralis is a rapidly scaling technology company, providing world leading expertise in millimetre-wave technology. They excel in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs), packaged component modules, proprietary antenna technology and integrated Radar and Communications front-end platforms. The core focus is in Ka, E and W band which allows the development of very high resolution radar (applications include autonomous automotive, helicopter landing, space) and massive data rate wireless communications. Arralis products, the ultimate in precision and innovation, are used in both global and space environments where accuracy and reliability are critical..

Click here to see the Ka-Band Phase Shifters from Arralis.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaSatellite


  • Country: United Kingdom
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