The Advantages of Using a Chip Antenna for GNSS Applications

Fractus Antennas has published a report explaining the advantages of using chip antennas instead of patch antennas for GNSS applications. GNSS technology is now used in a wide range of compact devices. Using chip antennas for Global Navigation Satellite Systems reception is the best choice as they feature an omnidirectional radiation pattern that enables tracking satellites in any position and orientation.

Using patch antennas for GNSS reception becomes problematic when the antenna is mounted on a small and portable tracking device, for example, IoT sensors, bikes etc. because the orientation with respect to the satellite constellation is uncertain and variable. Chip antennas are the immediate solution for the position matter, and chip antennas are also an advantage in terms of high efficiency and gain, they do not require an extra energy-consuming amplifying LNA to make the job.

Tracking devices, fleet management and wearables applications owing to their portable nature need an antenna with the same portable versatility. As a result of this chip antennas have become the perfect choice where size, weight, portability and cost are a priority.

Click here to read the White Paper/ Application Note that talks about the advantages of Chip Antennas for GNSS.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Patch AntennaAntennaGNSS