EpiGaN to Showcase its GaN Wafer Solutions for 5G Applications at EuMW 2018

EpiGaN will demonstrate its latest GaN epiwafer developments tailored to 5G applications at the Semicon Taiwan show in Taipei, and at the European Microwave Week (EuMW) 2018 in Madrid.

EpiGaN is a global supplier of GaN on Si and GaN on SiC product solutions for next-generation semiconductor technology devices. GaN enables smaller, lighter and higher performance systems with added functionality for power conversion and sensor applications. Furthermore, GaN is being readied to enable key features of new standard 5G cellular wireless networks. These future communication systems require exceptionally high-speed connections for multimedia streaming, virtual reality, M2M or autonomous driving.

EpiGaN has taken up the 5G challenge and released large-diameter versions of its HVRF (High Voltage Radio Frequency) GaN on Si, as well as GaN on SiC wafer product families. Customers can choose from various optimized top structures to best serve their specific RF device needs--AlGaN, AlN or InAlN barriers combined with GaN or in-situ SiN caps--on Si substrates up to 200 mm, and SiC up to 150 mm diameter. EpiGaN's HVRF products enable excellent dynamic behavior, highest power densities at mmWave frequencies and lowest RF losses (< 0.8 dB/mm up to 110 GHz).

For ultimate RF performance in the 30 and 40 GHz mmWave bands assigned to 5G, EpiGaN has developed HEMT heterostructures featuring ultra-thin AlN barrier layers in combination with an in-situ SiN capping layer. These structures allow locating the transistor’s gate very close to the densely populated channel, thus maximizing the electrostatic coupling between the two. This results in a far superior RF transistor characteristics as needed for 5G MMIC developments. HEMT structures with lattice-matched InAlN barriers exhibit sheet resistivities below 250 Ohm/sq and enable highest transistor current densities.

EpiGaN will exhibit and showcase its latest GaN epiwafer solutions for power switching, RF power and sensor applications together with its local agent APEC at the Semicon Taiwan show (Booth J2554) from September 5-7, and at EuMW 2018 (Booth #354) from September 23-28.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GaN5G