Indra to Supply State-of-the-Art Lanza 3D Radar to the Royal Thai Air Force

Indra (a leading spanish defense contractor) has signed a contract for the delivery of its 3D radar, LANZA LRR, to the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF). Indra’s radar will also include the delivery of other associated equipment such as Indra’s AirDef (an advanced air defence command and control system). The company will also provide a comprehensive logistic package including training to the Royal Thai Air Force operation and maintenance personnel, spares and warranty.

Lanza is a family of state-of-the art 3D radar systems based on a fully modular and scalable architecture, both in hardware equipment and software packages/capabilities. Sharing common logistics and life cycle support concepts, this family includes a wide variety of configurations which can be adapted to the particular needs of each End User, achieving the most demanding, or specific, operational requirements in a cost-effective manner. These multi-scenario, multi-role radars not only meet current NATO requirements, but also include advanced functionalities to meet future challenges.

All radar systems in the family are tri-dimensional, solid state, operate in the L band, apply pencil beam exploration (electronic control in elevation of radiation beams), with a distributed architecture and redundant critical elements, allowing for soft-fail degradation in the case that some components fail.

The company has been working on the design, manufacture, operation and integration of 3D radars for more than 30 years. Furthermore, the LANZA radar family is currently in service in the five continents.

With this project, Indra closes a relevant deal, which reaffirms its leading position as global Defence and Security technology solutions supplier. At the same time, Indra reinforces its commercial position in the Asia-Pacific region, where the company has operated for more than two decades. Indra has offices in China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia. They have a permanent presence in Thailand through a commercial office, opened in 2017. The company has already delivered three air traffic control radars to Thailand which are currently in operation.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   RadarMilitary