Pulse Electronics Develops Unique, Software-based Design Optimization Process for LTE Small Cell Base Station

Pulse Electronics, a provider of cutting edge electronic components for the wireless and wired communications, power management, military/aerospace, and automotive industries, has developed a unique process that uses AWR’s Microwave Office® circuit design software for the design and optimization of its maximum efficiency LTE small cell base stations. Pulse is able to design, tune, and optimize its antenna systems through a cross-company design flow of Microwave Office combined with Optenni’s Optenni Lab matching-circuit generation and antenna analysis software.

“The new process we developed with Microwave Office and Optenni Lab antenna matching gives us a ‘first-time-right’ flow that is not only more efficient and cost effective than traditional methods, but equips our antenna designers with quantitative guidelines for antenna frequency tuning that ensures a higher quality product.” Kimmo Honkanen, RF Engineer

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   LTESoftware