Keysight to Showcase Automotive Test & Connected Car Solutions at ATE 2018

Keysight, at the Automotive Testing Expo 2018 in Michigan USA, will be demonstrating e-mobility, autonomous driving, connected car, and automotive electronic test solutions. The Expo is one of the biggest automotive testing technology events in North America and showcases a range of new vehicle and component test and development technologies and advancements. The event will be held from October 23-25 in Novi, Michigan, USA.

At the event, Keysight will showcase:

Keysight E-Mobility Solutions

  • Test control and management systems for the entire development and production process of an energy storage device.
  • Modular test environment for electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) charging systems from mobile use to comprehensive applications in the laboratory.

Keysight Autonomous Driving Solutions

  • Automotive radar testing solution performs analysis and generation of automotive radar signals across full frequency ranges for legacy 24 GHz, and new 77 GHz and 79 GHz bands.
  • Radar target simulator provides a fast, accurate and reliable test solution for product test engineers that balances throughput and quality, and enables design and verification engineers to quickly validate the performance of their radar products.

Keysight Connected Car Solutions

  • Automotive Ethernet solutions testing waveform, distortion, jitter and droop for BroadR-Reach V3.2, 100Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3bw) and 1000Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3bp) designs across transmit, harness, connector, and receiver.
  • Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) and cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) solutions covering functional, protocol, certification, and RF Test across various instrument platforms designed to enhance R&D work flows, design verification, and manufacturing test.

Keysight Automotive Electronics

  • Fully-automated board manufacturing test solutions to reduce the risk of electrostatic discharge (ESD) shocks and damage to sensitive automotive printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), providing cost and space savings.
  • Relationships with multiple authorized distributors who carry a wide variety of benchtop, modular, and field instruments. Keysight’s distribution networks allow for quick delivery of products, while providing training and services.

Click here to know more about Keysight Automotive Solutions.

Publisher: everything RF