SSL to Develop a Small GEO Satellite for Swedish Based Mobile Company

SSL, a Maxar Technologies subsidiary, has received a contract to develop a small geostationary (GEO) satellite for Sweden-based company Ovzon. The company is trying to meet the demand for increased mobile broadband connectivity in underserved regions. It selected the mid-size SSL-500 platform for its first satellite, which brings the benefits of SSL's proven technology and performance combined with a lower-cost form factor. The contract is conditional on Ovzon raising financing.

SSL is leveraging its long history of technology innovation in communications and Earth observation markets by providing cost-effective, high-capacity solutions. The satellite, called Ovzon-3, will provide Ovzon's customers with better performance, expanded coverage and faster data rates than competitive solutions. The next-generation satellite provided by SSL will advance communications in remote areas with extremely versatile mobile broadband capabilities.

Ovzon previously announced that the satellite will launch aboard SpaceX's Falcon Heavy. To maximize its usable capacity, the satellite will include a flexible payload based on a customer furnished processor integrated into the SSL architecture.

Publisher: everything RF