RFID Based Real-Time Location System Uses Steerable Array Antenna

RFID Based Real-Time Location System Uses Steerable Array Antenna

RF Controls has developed a new Smart RTLS (Real-Time Location System) Antenna System capable of providing highly granular inventory and asset location data across the global supply chain. The CS-445B is the only true, passive RTLS that provides precise, hands-free, and continuous location data on RAIN RFID passive UHF tags at distances of more than 25 feet (which was previously not possible using legacy RTLS technologies). By providing fixed overhead scanning in a warehouse or distribution center environment, the CS-445B can monitor as much as 2,000 square feet of space in three dimensions, tracking the location of tagged items to within 18 inches, as well as the movement of items from zone to zone. 

The CS-445B's performance is driven by complex, proprietary mathematical algorithms that allow the antenna to identify, locate and track items in milliseconds, providing meaningful x,y,z coordinates in a three-dimensional space, regardless of the number of antennas reading any particular tag. The higher the antennas are mounted, the greater the read range they provide.

In addition, the system utilizes a drag-and-drop user interface architecture that eases setup and configuration for rapid deployment in the field. After the initial set-up is completed, the CS-445B Smart RTLS System will monitor and report the precise location of each passive tagged item throughout the reporting area. 

The CS-445B is already in use in the supply chain, helping customers ensure the accuracy of outbound shipments without manual scanning or reconciliation, for work-in-process tracking, and for high-value asset tracking. Other potential use cases include part and tool tracking; tracking totes, carts, and work orders; inventory management from receipt to sale; and pallet build and breakdown operations.

Confidex has partnered with RF Controls to supply its passive RFID tags for the solution. RF Controls and Confidex demonstrated the solution at RFID Journal LIVE! 2019 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix. The RF Controls CS-445B Smart RTLS Antenna System is a finalist in the RFID Journal LIVE! Best New Product Award.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaRFID