Mission Microwave to Supply X, Ku, & Ka-Band BUCs for Military SATCOM Terminals

Mission Microwave to Supply X, Ku, & Ka-Band BUCs for Military SATCOM TerminalsMission Microwave has received orders from multiple government contractors to provide X, Ku and Ka-Band Block Upconverters as components of complex SATCOM terminals in support of the Warfighter. The combined value of these orders was over $12 million in the first quarter of 2019.

Mission’s Stinger, Javelin and Titan products have been designed into families of terminals across X, Ku and Ka-band frequencies. The common form factor and interfaces of these products allow designers to create flexible platforms eliminating the need to re-engineer the implementation when missions change.

Mission Microwave’s value proposition of smaller, lighter and more efficient high power amplifiers is enabling their customers to create highly portable, higher throughput terminals with lower power consumption than previous options.

The products delivered by Mission Microwave for these programs include high-performance Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) amplifiers for X, Ku, and Ka-band terminals. These products rely on Mission’s patented GaN (Gallium Nitride) amplifier and BUC designs to support customers operating in harsh environments while reducing the Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) burden on the remote users. Mission Microwave has moved to the forefront of the satellite terminal industry in shipping high power X, Ku and Ka-Band amplifiers and BUCs for mobile applications in ground, maritime and other applications in both government and commercial industry sectors that require reliability, performance, and efficiency.

Publisher: everything RF