NXP Introduced its First GaN-on-SiC Transistor for RF Energy

NXP Introduced its First GaN-on-SiC Transistor for RF Energy

NXP has launched its first RF power transistor (MRF24G300HS) designed for RF energy using GaN-on-SiC. The MRF24G300HS exceeds the efficiency of most vacuum tubes at 2.45 GHz, while the high thermal conductivity of SiC enables CW and long-pulse operations. It provides up to 300 W of output power.

Some of the features of MRF24G300HS are listed below:
  • Superior thermal behavior – SiC high thermal conductivity and low RF losses enable low thermal resistance and maintain performance over temperature.
  • Typical power-added efficiency is 70.4 percent or better across the full 100-MHz bandwidth, reaching more than 74 percent at 2500 MHz.
  • Solid-state RF Energy enables precise control, reliability, longevity, and ease of use compared to vacuum tube technologies.
  • Target applications include industrial with heating, welding, drying; medical with diathermy, microwave ablation, cooking with the microwave oven and emerging applications since solid-state RF Energy opens the door to new use cases.

NXP’s MRF24G300HS RF transistor is in production and available now. The 2400-2500 MHz reference circuit is also available under part number MRF24G300HS-2450 MHz.

As part of the NXP Partner Program, Prescient Wireless has designed a 550 W power amplifier pallet with 45 dB of gain. 

Click here to read more about MRF24G300HS.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   TransistorGaNRF EnergySiC