Johanson Technology to Provide Chip Antenna Design Assistance Services to Customers

Johanson Technology to Provide Chip Antenna Design Assistance Services to Customers

Johanson Technology has announced its antenna tuning and characterization services which include two complimentary RF layout reviews by an engineer for fabricating PCBs so as to ensure optimum radiated performance. The engineering team of Johanson will produce a pre-fab board layout (antenna footprint), give suggestions, help with antenna selection, positioning, and grounding recommendations. The company will also provide state-of-the-art anechoic test chambers for radiation pattern characterization based on measured data on the client’s PCB.

If required by a customer, Johanson Technology can sign an NDA agreement to protect any detailed technical communication.

Once the layout review and prototype manufacturing is done, the only requirement is that the client will send a fully populated PCB to the company: all SMDs including batteries (if applicable), connectors, and encasements (they affect RF resonance, important) to be mounted and installed. The customer can leave the antenna (optional) and antenna matching components’ slots empty as the company will be mounting/soldering them on their own. The system does not need to be functional; Johanson will feed its own passive 0 dBm signal directly into the antenna for proper isotropic radiation measurements.

Procedure for antenna tuning and characterization:
  • Johanson will test the SMD antenna on the original, modified, or optimized PCB
  • Then tune to proper, centered and optimum resonance using appropriately selected Hi-Q Johanson-made inductors and capacitors
  • Measure the radiated performance in an anechoic chamber and provide a 3D plot representing it.
  • Client is then sent copies of the new matching circuit schematic with their corresponding values and p/n’s, measured radiated data, and patterns with their corresponding radiated efficiency and gain figures on the PCB. Sometimes this process may require JTI to modify the board in their lab, and to add probes through the enclosure/housing.
  • Assemblies may be returned to the customer at their request.

The Ultimate goal is to optimize “Over The Air” performance of the customer’s design using Johanson’s extensive design knowledge and application optimization expertise for market success. This entire process takes 2-3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the design and environment.

915 MHz Chip Antenna tuning and characterization service example:

Click here to read more about Johanson miniature RF ceramic chip antennas.

Click here to read more about JTI chip antenna mounting and tuning techniques.

Publisher: everything RF