RFS & ConcealFab Develop Aesthetic Enclosures to House 5G Radio Equipment

RFS & ConcealFab Develop Aesthetic Enclosures to House 5G Radio Equipment

Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) has collaborated with a leading provider of infrastructure mounting and concealment solutions, ConcealFab to conceal radio equipment in compact and aesthetic enclosures. Under the agreement, RFS will enable ConcealFab’s 5G Radio Concealment Shroud to efficiently package a sizable amount of 5G mm-Wave radio equipment, 4G radios, and interconnection cables while ensuring optimal RF performance.

Using RFS’s patented diplexers, which are the size of an apple, ConcealFab has been able to accommodate the carrier’s equipment configurations within the stringent form-factor and size constraints of the DoITT (New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications) shroud. One of the biggest 5G hurdles that operators will face is to deliver 5G by installing large amounts of equipment, without visual impact. The newly developed solution by RFS and ConcealFab addresses this to let 5G reach its full potential.

ConcealFab’s 5G Radio Shrouds are designed to house 5G radio equipment in an enclosure that provides maximum RF performance. The entire shroud cover is constructed from ConcealFab’s clearWave material. These shrouds allow operators to place radios either in 90 degree, 180 degree, or even 360 degree orientations. They can be mounted in both the communication and power space on a variety of pole types.

As 5G can utilize high-frequency energy to transmit and receive voice and data, ConcealFab’s proprietary shroud materials had to optimize signal strength while protecting the equipment from weather and environmental exposure in a compact and easy to service configuration. Empirical testing has proven maximum RF performance from the clearWave radome material. The familiar shape of the DoITT Shroud is widely used for 4G deployments, and the 5G Concealment Shroud’s attachment to one pole quadrant meets Utility pole climbing requirements.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G