Multiple C-V2X Products Based on Qualcomm Chipsets Receive RED Certification for Operation in Europe

Multiple C-V2X Products Based on Qualcomm Chipsets Receive RED Certification for Operation in Europe

Qualcomm Technologies has announced that multiple Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) products from leading automotive and infrastructure suppliers, featuring the Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X Platform, have completed certification by the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED) in Europe, a requirement for placing radio equipment on the market. This is a major step forward toward the commercial introduction of C-V2X in Europe.

C-V2X is a global solution for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and V2X communication designed to enhance road safety and facilitate smart transportation systems, including support of automated driving. Developed by the 3GPP organization, it establishes the foundation to support safety use-cases with a path for integration into next-generation 5G technologies, while tapping into the broader 3GPP ecosystem to drive wider adoption. With its evolution to 5G New Radio (NR), C-V2X offers rich and differentiated experiences consumers continue to demand as we usher in the world of 5G and autonomy.

A new European Standard (EN) defining the use of C-V2X as an access layer technology for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices was recently approved through the European Telecommunication Standardization Institute (ETSI). Also, all the ETSI standards and specifications that define other ITS protocols above the access layer have been updated to support the utilization of C-V2X as the underlying access layer. These standards and specifications have been included in the ETSI ITS Release 1 specification set and provide the basis for the development of interoperable C-V2X ITS implementations and devices from multiple vendors. 

RED Certified Products Featuring the Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X Chipset Solution Include:

C-V2X continues to gain global momentum. Field tests are transitioning to early deployments in China. In the United States, recent field tests have shown significant range, reliability, and performance advantage of C-V2X direct communications, in addition to the ability for C-V2X to work well in congested environments. In Europe, the recent plug tests organized by ETSI and 5GAA demonstrated multi-vendor interoperability, while multiple corridor projects are being planned to test the technology on the road, starting from 5G-CARMEN and Concorda projects.

Joan Palacin, Business Unit Director of Ficosa Advanced Communications stated that by being one of the very first to achieve the OBU RED certification in June 2019, Ficosa continues its commitment to accelerating and expanding C-V2X as a path to 5G. Not only in Europe but also in China, USA and globally, they see C-V2X as a key technology to achieve automotive industry challenging safety goals by significantly reducing fatalities on the roads.

According to Dino Flore, Vice President, Technology, Qualcomm Europe, in the past few months, they have seen tremendous momentum for C-V2X around the world. Thanks to their joint efforts with leading automotive and infrastructure companies, there are now multiple RED-certified C-V2X products, which paves the way to C-V2X commercialization in Europe.

Click here to read more about C-V2X technology.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AutomotiveCertification


  • Country: United States
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