The MMH-35120H from Marki Microwave is a mmWave Balanced Harmonic Mixer MMIC with an RF frequency from 35 to 120 GHz. It has an LO frequency from 12 to 40 GHz and an IF frequency from DC to 14 GHz. This mixer has a conversion loss of 18 dB and a noise figure of 18.5 dB. It provides an LO to RF isolation of 57 dB and suppression of up to 30 dBc. The mixer works well as both an up and down converter from the Ka-band through the mmWave/G band. This mixer is available both as a wire-bondable die that measures 2.710 x 1.380 x 0.009 mm and as a connectorized module that measures 33.33 x 25.58 x 10.13 mm with 1.0 mm, 1.85 mm, and 2.92 mm connector options. It is ideal for mmWave frequency conversion, test and measurement equipment, automotive radar, 5G test receivers, and mmWave tuner mixer applications.