The AT-AM6-110150-13 from AT Microwave is an Active X6 Frequency Multiplier that converts an input frequency from 18.33-25 GHz to an output frequency from 110-150 GHz. It provides an output power of up to +13 dBm with a harmonic suppression of -20 dBc. This multiplier includes integrated input and output buffers to deliver high output power even at low drive levels. It requires a single DC supply of +5 V and consumes 0.5 A of current. The multiplier is available in a module that measures 56 x 20 mm and has an SMA-female input connector and WR-06 UG-387U/M output waveguide interface (anti-cocking flange). It is ideal for use in D-band imaging, Foreign Object Debris (FOD), RF-Over-Fiber (ROF), and test equipment applications.