The QT2020 from Q-Tech Corporation is a Microcomputer Compensated Crystal Oscillator (MCXO) with output frequencies from 5 to 80 MHz. It provides sinewave or HCMOS output with an output power of 3 dBm and also provides a 1PPS output. This oscillator uses a high-stability overtone SC-cut crystal with microprocessor-controlled compensation. It has a self-temperature sensing resonator, using a dual-mode oscillator which virtually eliminates thermometry-related errors and overcomes basic TCXO and OCXO limitations. The MCXO has a phase noise of up to -168 dBc/Hz and spurious levels of less than -100 dBc. It is designed to withstand radiation levels up to 50k Rad (total dose), high shock and vibration, and has an inherently rugged design capable of full military screening.
The QT2020 has the capability to sync to GPS at 1PPS or 10MHz and can withstand a G-sensitivity of 1 ppb/G. It requires a DC supply of 3.3 V and consumes less than 90 mW of power. The oscillator is available in a compact package that measures 50.8 x 25.4 x 8.38 mm and is ideal for low earth orbit space applications.