The AT-DRX-140164HG from AT Microwave is a Compact IQ Receiver that operates from 140 to 164 GHz. It has an LO frequency of 11.6 to 13.67 GHz. The LO link has a 6x amplified multiplier chain (AMC) that results in an IF frequency from DC to 6 GHz. This IQ receiver has a sub-harmonic mixer with high image rejection, low input/output return loss and flat conversion response. It provides a conversion gain of 10 dB, image rejection of 15 dBc and has a noise figure of less than 8 dB. This IQ receiver requires a DC supply of +5 V and consumes 200 mA of current.
The AT-DRX-140164HG is available in an Aluminum housing that measures 50 x 50 x 20 mm with WR-06 waveguide RF interface and SMA-female connectors for LO. It is ideal for use in D-band imaging, FOD (Foreigner Objects Debris), test equipment, ROF (RF Over Fiber), point-to-point communication, instrumentation, sensing, security, high-resolution imaging and radar system applications.