The SG03-840001-S5S5 from Atlantic Microwave is a Miniature Signal Generator with a frequency range from 25 to 3000 MHz. It has a step size of 100 Hz and delivers an output power of up to +13 dBm with a phase noise of less than -112 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset. This pocket-sized signal generator has spurious levels of -70 dBc, and maximum harmonics of -20 dBc. It can be controlled via USB, Ethernet, or RS-232 cable interfaces and can also be remotely controlled in frequency or amplitude level via a GUI or third-party terminal application. This signal generator requires a DC supply from 9 to 28 V (including an AC power supply adaptor) and consumes 300 mA of current. It is available in an enclosure that measures 163.0 x 103.0 x 30.5 mm with SMA-female connectors for output and reference ports.