Capacitance and RF-Conductance/Transconductance Look-up Table Based pHEMT Model

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  • Author: Ce-Jun Wei, Yu Zhu, Hong Yin , Oleksiy Klimashov, Cindy Zhang, and Tzung-Yin Lee
A capacitance and RF-conductance/RFtransconductance look-up table based large-signal pHEMT model is presented based on an ensemble of bias-dependent small-signal equivalent circuits. The model is capable of accurate simulation of small-signal S-parameters as well as large-signal performance over the data-acquisition bias range. In addition to the dc current sources, the model contains two capacitive current sources and two dynamic RF current sources, which fit RF-DS conductance and transconductance respectively. By introducing the dynamic RF current sources, the problem of path-dependence which occurs in modeling large-size devices and devices with dispersion is resolved. The model is symmetric and swappable between drain and source. The model has also accurate leakage model and can be used for either amplifier or switch applications. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing the simulation of DC curves, leakages, and small-signal S parameters over a wide bias range,
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