RF MEMS based Antenna Array

This white paper describes Sofant Technologies approach to developing a high-performance smart antenna system which is enabled through the use of low-loss, RF MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System), phase shifter/attenuator technology. The growth of mobile data has caused radio spectrum for consumer applications in the sub-6 GHz frequency bands to become highly congested. A number of blocks of high frequency, millimeter wave radio spectrum are currently under consideration by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 5G networks. This additional spectrum will be allocated for consumer applications in order to in-crease available bandwidth. It is essential to service exploding demand but it poses a number of significant technical challenges.These phased array smart antenna systems will enable one or more directed beams of radio energy to be sent to a mobile user. This approach reduces co-channel interference and enables the development of denser networks, through higher frequency reuse. Smart antenna systems also promise the potential for a much higher quality of service and a better experience for the consumer.

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