Fundamentals of THz Technology for 6G

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  • Author: Dr. Taro Eichler & Robert Ziegler

Terahertz (THz) waves have frequencies extending from 0.1 THz up to 10 THz or wave-
lengths between 3 mm and 30 μm. They fall in the spectral region between microwaves
and optical waves. The prospect of offering large contiguous frequency bands to meet
demand for extremely high data transfer rates in the Tbit/s range is making this region a
key research area for next generation wireless communications (6G). Commercial deploy
ment is expected around 2030.
Efforts to explore and "unlock" this frequency region require an interdisciplinary approach
with close interaction with high frequency semiconductor technology for RF electronics but also encompassing alternative approaches using photonic technologies. The THz
region also shows great promise for many application areas ranging from imaging to
spectroscopy and sensing.

The objective of this white paper is to provide a concise overview of the fundamentals of THz waves and their properties for various applications with a focus on 6G

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