Beyond 5G / 6G Vision

As of 2023, 245 operators in 95 countries had launched or soft-launched at least one 3GPP-compliant 5G service, according to the GSA (February 2023). 5G’s expanding use in society is widely anticipated to bring significant changes in various sectors, including communications, entertainment, transportation, healthcare, and many others. Against this backdrop, NEC declares its mission to create value to realize a sustainable society where everyone can reach their full potential.

Therefore, we see Beyond 5G / 6G as more than a dramatic evolution in the performance of5G wireless technology. Beyond 5G / 6G is an image of society created by social systems integrating communications infrastructure with a set of technologies and products that use real-time processing of enormous amounts of diverse data. From that perspective, we outline the technical areas that need to be a focus in the future to realize such a society in the Beyond 5G / 6G era.

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